Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Family Rules

I love all the different ideas on Pinterest for presenting family rules. Painted on stairs, chalkboard art, canvases in black and white, etc. I have put together my lists of favorite succinct rules, because not everyone else's collection had everything I would want, or it had things I didn't want, or maybe just wasn't worded the way I would like. But I finally came across one that had all the rules I wanted on there (plus a couple extra that I liked), in a presentation I liked. Can't afford it right now, but someday maybe I can. Or I will find someone more crafty than I who can help me put my own list of rules on display.

This particular print can be found at Joss and Main. I like the reminder of "Don't Whine" as it is particular issue I am learning how to handle. I also like the saying "Use Kind Words" because that is something I say everyday to my children (and myself) as we learn to communicate.
What are some of your favorite family rules?


  1. I like this one too! I would add, "go, fight, win", "be a dragon slayer, not a dragon" and "love the Lord, love your neighbor and always be grateful"! The latter being our first and most often said family rule. :)

  2. Love it! :) I love rayias as well. :)


Were these words wonderful to you?