Thursday, October 9, 2014

Going East

I bought my train tickets!
In 25 days my three children and myself will climb aboard an Amtrack train headed towards the east coast and Roman. 25 Days!
I am more excited than I can possibly express in the bland typing you see, since I am not really the type to use ALL CAPS or italics or !!!!!!, but I digress.
Roman will be graduating from boot camp on Thursday November 13th and if all goes well we should be able to spend the day with him on the 12th. Just five more weeks to get through before seeing him. From the letters he has sent me and a recent phone call, we know that he is working hard, taking on extra duties like he always does and made sharpshooter. He has received letters from several family members and a few friends, and always appreciates receiving them. Sometimes he shares these letters with his fellow soldiers. Apparently there are men and women there who don't really receive letters.
I have also been grateful to everyone who has encouraged me over the last several weeks. Those praying for me, and those who take the time to call, send a note or write a FB message. I appreciate each one and they often give me a lift in the middle of my days with crazy toddlers.
I also wanted to thank my mother and sisters, my mother-in-law and all my sisters-in-law as well for all the help they gave me while I have been sick the past two weeks. I finally seem to be on the mend, praise the Lord!
Many of you have asked how you can help. While your prayers and words are wonderful, we do have some financial needs at this time. Planning such a major trip is expensive, though I am trying to do it as cheaply as I can. I am still paying medical bills from Carsten's birth. Our life and needs are simple, but food and gas and rent must still be paid. If any of you can find it in your heart and wallet to help us, we would receive it most gratefully and humbly. I trust the Lord to supply all our needs, and also that He hears and gives us our desires. Thanks again for the prayers and words you have given so far!
Hope everyone is having a lovely October!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Today I am okay.
  Not rising wings of romantic delight, 
  Nor sinking in depths of despair. 
 My children exhaust me
 And I have been ill, 
 But their smiles are sweet 
 And each day I grow well. 
So today I am okay. 

Today I am okay. 
  Not thrilled with the sheer bliss of life, 
  Nor hanging on gloomy deaths door. 
 I have lost my temper 
 And my house is a mess, 
 But I had a short nap
 And we have all been fed. 
So today I am okay. 

Today I am okay. 
  Not hot with fervor and spiritual fire, 
  Nor cold from gloom and abandon. 
 Doing justly, loving mercy,
 Walking humbly by the Spirit. 
 For Christ still lives 
 And God still loves. 
So today I am okay. 

~Caitlin Mallery

Found a picture of boot camp life.