Friday, February 14, 2014

My Valentine's Day

Today my children said thank you.

Ethan said thank you Mommy, after I told him he could play with the water in the kitchen sink. (A big deal for me because the plumbing is still not working.)

Saoirse said thank you Mommy because I held her while she drank her milk, instead of sitting on the couch by herself.

I lost my cool more than once today. We did manage to make cookies without spreading flour across the house. There is popcorn on my carpet and standing water in my sink. My husband had to work all day and is still working tonight. But I want to remember that my children said thank you because they felt loved. These two little ones have no idea just how much I felt loved when they said, "Thank you Mommy!"

Now I will spend time with the chocolate my husband brought home between jobs! Happy Valentine's Day!

Sometimes they get along great at the grocery story.


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